I can not believe it myself, a post after less then 3 month. I guess the new year will be a productive one :-)
So first of all, happy new year, I hope all is well and will stay that way for a long time. And may the hobby be with you (and me ;-) ). So this time, I wanted to give you a short overview over my Dark Eldar Master Plan and also go over the first part of the first list.
My intention: I have around 6000 points worth of DE, old and new. The old Models are for the most part painted, but a lot (around 80%) of the new DE models I currently possess are not painted and I wanna change that. I did not want to paint it all in the same colours, as I think it's important to differentiate between the different fractions cabal, cult, coven & groups like reavers, scourges or mandrakes. It's also nice to change the paint scheme once in a while :-)
So my goal is a list with different fractions coming together to form a raiding party. This way I can also add different cabals, as I want to build more then two archons. they will all get a contingent of warriors at their side, and the size of their contingent will be directly related to their place in the raiding party.
So the first part of the list will be my main party or the exiled Cabal .........
Their leader is the Dread Archon Xantios, he got exiled from Commorragh for killing a Harlequin Master.
He wanted his clothes and now has to live with the consequences. No need to mention, that his goal is to return to the dark city. This he wants to achieve either by force or by making a name of himself and for both, he needs a big raiding force.
Their leader is the Dread Archon Xantios, he got exiled from Commorragh for killing a Harlequin Master.
He wanted his clothes and now has to live with the consequences. No need to mention, that his goal is to return to the dark city. This he wants to achieve either by force or by making a name of himself and for both, he needs a big raiding force.
+ HQ + (385)
Archon Xiantos
Blaster, Combat Drugs, Djin Blade, Haywire Grenades, Kabalite Armour, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Plasma Grenades, Shadow Field, Soul-trap, Huskblade
Archon Xiantos
Blaster, Combat Drugs, Djin Blade, Haywire Grenades, Kabalite Armour, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Plasma Grenades, Shadow Field, Soul-trap, Huskblade
I chose to take the 3 weapons to give him the feel of a pirate as pirates tend to have a nice collection of weapons. Also, the HG,CD and the S-T are all toys a real Dread Archon should have.
Here is a picture of Xiantos.
He is still very much in progress, as he will get a new hat, like the one the Fantasy Finecast Witchhunter has.
Next up is the Mistress of The Haunting Night, Vevina.
She is a ruthless killer and longs for the big price. She takes on Commanders and Heros just to show her superiority over the lesser races. But it's also a hint to Xiantos, as in time she could be able to overthrow him, but it's not like a cruel and calculating evil space elve like Xiantos hasn't already planned for that.
She is a ruthless killer and longs for the big price. She takes on Commanders and Heros just to show her superiority over the lesser races. But it's also a hint to Xiantos, as in time she could be able to overthrow him, but it's not like a cruel and calculating evil space elve like Xiantos hasn't already planned for that.
Archon Vevina
Combat Drugs, Haywire Grenades, Huskblade, Kabalite Armour, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Plasma Grenades, Shadow Field, Soul-trap, Splinter Pistol
Her war gear has no place for gimmicks, as she only fights for the kill.
She has great ambition, but one weak point. She likes Dracon Pelios for how he adores here. Not that she would sacrifice herself for him but enough for Xiantos to manipulate here, and that will be here downfall.
Vevina is finished.
She stands on top of a part of a cybot, to show that when she is "on souls" she will take on anyone.
Hope you enjoyed this little introduction to my master plan. So next up will be the Elite section. With the Incubi, the Blaster- & Splinter-Born.
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