So what shall I say, it's not like I didn't want to post something I just didn't get to it... Yeah, for more then a year, I know. So anyway, a tiny update on what my current hobby status is:
- Tantalus: still deep in progress... sometime..
- Dark Eldar: I'm currently planning my Dark Eldar Master Plan and I know odds are, I will never complete it, but if I even finish 30% of it, I would have around 2000 points of painted models. That is reason enough to try to take the hill. More on the master plan later.
- Word Bearers: So I have finished 20 marines,primed ~15 cultists, finished converting a defiler, and build 2 Dark Apostles, one also finished painted. And bought a Dark Vengeance box, boy those are some fine models. I guess they are still just a side project, but still fun to paint and convert so be prepared for some minor updates.
- Emperor's Children: Oh boy, I hate you Forgeworld, I'm currently at the crossroads with them. Do I buy some of the new, cool and pretty models they have, even though they would just look different to those I have, or do I replace my hole army, but hell, that's a **** load of money. Good that I still have some not finished models. E.g. my Legion Standard Bearer
- Podcasts: No, if I'm not even fit to post a blog article per year, I'm not going to start a podcast :-) But I'm currently listening to a few podcasts on my daily way to my internship and wanted to promote 40k podcasts in general, as they do a lot for the community. They promote events, interview players, painters, writers and more. They talk tactics, army building and gaming philosophy and show you different views on the hobby.
And for me personally, they have kept me connected with the hobby, as for the last few most (my internship) I rarely had time for hobby stuff. I think because of those podcasts I came back to this blog, so thank to the guys from:
- The Heroic 28s
- The 11th Company
- The Independent Character
- HittingOn3s
- 40k UK
- Life After The Cover Save
- Turn 8
- Deepstrike Radio
I guess the first 3 are really my favorites, and there are more hobby podcasts out there (haven't found a German one yet) so go and check them out, you will not be disappointed!
- Books and Audio Dramas/Books:
I have just finished the latest Gaunts Ghosts Novel and must say I was a little disappointed because it ends just to quickly. They could easily have added another 50 pages and explained if it was worth the fight, but I guess there will be another book. Anyone know when this will hit the shelves?
But I guess i'll use the time to catch up on the HH Books. My last one was Fear to Threat which was a great read. There is a lot of information in this book, I guess I count it to one of my favorites of the HH series.
The last Audio Book if heard was Prospero Burns. I was really impressed but nothing can top the Garro series. 40k Audio in general is just great. What do you guys think?
So this will be it for now, next post will hopefully not take as long as this and will be about the Dark Eldar Master Plan, hope to see you again next time. Also i'm all up for critics and sugestions.
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