Montag, 28. November 2011

And yet just another Blogger?

Or what the heck is his problem?

Well first of all, welcome to my blog, how you have found me, may be a mystery or just plain luck, just know something, you should stay as i hope to make worth your while ;-)

I've been on a good bunch of boards, since i started wargaming, and i've enjoyed most of them and will not wanna miss those times but lately i'm fed up reading about Good Units, Bad Units and what should be used against this Unit or that Unit. I just wanna play my Mandraks and have some fun with them. That doesn't meat beating the s*** out of so other Unit, it means using the Unit as close to the background as possible.

Where are those, that play the game just for the sake of playing a cool army, that looks cool, and fights for their individual goal, may it be the survival of their race, or the utter annihilation of the fools that dared challenge your faith in the mighty God Emperor!
Where is the Spirit of having a great looking Army, build around a theme, not because that theme is the most effective in the tournament meta, but because it just looks plain AWESOME!

A good example are the Angry Marines

A funny Idea, thats not super effective but is great fun to field on a board. Thats something i have missed in my last games, it wasn't real that satisfying, even though i was winning. Is it just me or is anyone else pulled into competitive play? Its nearly all i read about on the net. Whats wrong with this, why this one is better then the other and 3 Steps to up your game.....

I really want to give a f***, so this will be my journey back to having a ton of fun with my toy soldiers!

And now?

Well to start, i will start collecting armies with a special theme in mind, some fitting to the background of our beloved hobby, some, well we'll say, just cause of the fun of it. all these will probably not be over the 1000point each, so just some fun armies. The first will be my Pre Heresy/Heresy/Crazy Word Bearers.

Another "little" Project will be my Dark Eldar. They are by far my favorite army, and thus get some extra attention ;-)
Current Dark Eldar Project is my Coven Tantalus. I hope to get him finished 'till German GD '12 but well se about that ;-)

So that's it for now. So am I the only one with this Powergaming dilemma? Would love to here your opinions on that. 


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